Salt Lake Foothills 50K in Salt Lake City, UT

Race date: May 6, 2023 The night before the Salt Lake Foothills race is the usual tossing and turning garbage. I manage a few "naps" over the span of midnight to 5 am. I don't know why I become so nocturnal before a race. I say to my brain, "Look you idiot, you're going to be running for half the day tomorrow - let's go to sleep!" And it says, "No, you'll be carrying me with you while you run, you donkey!" (Except it uses the Biblical version of donkey.) I wake up in a daze, eyes puffy, and make the drive to the mouth of Emigration Canyon. It's cold this time of the morning. 40 F and windy. I hem and haw over how to dress for the weather. I settle for a t-shirt and Allen Iverson arm sleeves I got from a golfing event at work, small knit gloves, and an ear band over my cap. Like livestock we're corralled to the starting line. At this point whatever I'm carrying is what will sustain and protect me over the next 31 miles. I'd l...